The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Down Memory Lane

Teachers address experiences since first working at Blue Valley

Mark Mosier – 37.5 years at BV

Have your looks changed since starting at BV? “Much older and much older.”

Have you changed as a person? “Definitely. As a teacher, I have been able to grow [from] resources and opportunities in the district.”

Earliest memory: “[When] I met Peggy Rose.”

Best memory: “Year 2000 — I was working with a student and she was selected as the presidential scholar, so I got to go to Washington DC for a week.”

Inspirational staff member: “Mrs. O’Bryan always inspired me, and she’s the teacher I hope to be.”

Robin Lerner – 32.5 years at BV

Have your looks changed since starting at BV?  “I used to have really long reddish brown hair.”

Have you changed as a person? “I’d like to think I’m a better teacher today. I want to go back and apologize to the kids I first taught. The scary part about that is they’re 50-something now.”

Earliest memory: “My interview process.”  Best memory: “Seeing former students later on.”

Inspirational staff member: “Absolutely Scott Bacon. [He] is truly a cheerleader of teachers.”

Chris Riffer – 28 years at BV

Have your looks changed since starting at BV? “I still have my hair which is good. It’s much grayer than before.”

Have you changed as a person? “I came in as a competitive debate and forensics coach, and I’ve mellowed out on the competitive aspect of it now.”

Earliest memory: “When they said I got the job, Scott Bacon, at the time, was the assistant principal and was moving little magnets around to how my schedule would be.”

Favorite memory: “Coaching my oldest daughter to a state championship in debate and watching my youngest daughter play softball here.”

Inspirational staff member: “The one constant ever since I’ve [taught] here has been Mark Mosier. He’s just kind of been my guidance.”

Dianne O’Bryan – 23.5 years at BV

Have your looks changed since starting at BV? “I had braces the summer before I started teaching an my hair was cut in a bob and I had bangs.”

Have you changed as a person? “For sure. Anytime you spend a long period of time at a particular school, that place and those people change you for the better.”

Earliest memory: “My interview happened the day after I got braces put on. I felt ridiculous.”


Favorite memory: “I have always loved the staff dance for the sweetheart assembly. The fact teachers are willing to get out there [shows] they care about the kids and enjoying this experience for them.”

Inspirational staff member: “Scott Bacon. He was so interested in growth as a school, as teachers and as students.”

Tony Scardino –12 years at BV

Have your looks changed since starting at BV?

“I think I’m much more handsome now ever. Grayer, and rounder and softer.”

Have you changed as a person?  “I’ve learned how to treat kids better and be more understanding of them.”

Earliest memory: “When we first got computers. We were all terrified of that.”

Favorite memory: “When we won the State [baseball] title in May of 2017. It was a huge thing for us.”

Inspirational staff member: “I always have looked to Dianne O’Bryan. I love the relationships she has with kids, and I aspire to be more that way.”

About the Contributor
Ava McNiel
Ava McNiel, Photo Editor
Ava McNiel is a senior and this is her second year on staff as a Photo Editor. Ava loves living life spontaneously and is up for any adventure at the drop of a hat. Her expertise is in the field of digital art, photography, and writing. For fun, Ava loves to listen to music, hangout with friends, shop, create digital art, experiment with musical instruments, and do her own nails. She hopes to pursue her dreams of becoming an architectural engineer. Ava is thrilled to be part of the Tiger Print Newspaper team again this year.