Magic Wizard

Junior fools peers with magic acts

Junior CJ Swimmer is amazing people around the school with his magic ability. Both teachers and students can’t understand how he is able to pull off his tricks. Swimmer said he loves leaving people stumped.

“I love making something impossible become possible,” Swimmer said.

Swimmer said he has been doing magic since he was young and has learned many tricks throughout the years.

“My dad always thought magic was cool, so we decided to learn together,” Swimmer said.

Both Swimmer and his dad have become really good, but CJ says he has become better. He said he often uses online websites and videos to learn his tricks. His favorite tricks are assortment of cards tricks.

“My all time favorite card trick is called Redemption,” Swimmer said. “In this trick, I rip a card in four pieces and i make it completely disappear from the deck. That one really gets people.”

Swimmer says he loves doing tricks for people around school.

“I would love to showcase my talent on ‘Tiger TV,’” Swimmer said.

Swimmer is part of ‘Tiger TV’ and says to look for a segment in the upcoming weeks. He is one

of the only people at Blue Valley to do magic.

“I plan on doing the Redemp- tion trick and an invisible deck trick in the segment,” Swimmer said. “Hopefully Mr. Reeves will let me.”

Swimmer’s friend, junior Ben Bass, said he is as amazed as anyone at Swimmer’s tricks.

“It’s pretty crazy how he can do all this. I can never under- stand how he pulls of his tricks.,” Bass says.

Bass says that he has been watching Swimmer do tricks
for years now, but Swimmer has only recently gotten really good.

“His segment on ‘Tiger TV’ will be really cool.” Bass says. Swimmer said he hopes to

enter a magic competition in the future. He said there aren’t many to choose from but competing in one is one of his goals.IMG_6789

“I would also love to be in a magic show,” Swimmer says.

Swimmer said he draws inspiration from his idol David Blaine, a famous magician who has done hundreds of magic tricks and makes a lot of money. Swimmer says he would love to be like him one day.

“I love looking up his videos on the Internet. Some of his tricks will blow your mind.” Swimmer said.

He said he also likes Penn and Teller, two of the most famous magicians today. He has never seen one of their shows, but he s
aid it is on his bucket list. Swimmer wants to continue doing magic for his friends and

family. He loves making them amazed and wants to continue to get better. He encourages anyone to come talk to him about magic anytime.

“People always ask me to show them how I do the tricks,” Swimmer said.” But, I always tell them ‘a magician never shares his secrets.’”