Generation Z: Who We Are & How We Shape the Future

Technology Defines Students’ Generation

Generation Z: Who We Are & How We Shape the Future

Our world is constantly transforming — generation by generation, we evolve. The future and the workforce as we imagine it now will widely be dictated by the technology-born generation, Generation Z.

Although debated, Gen Z experts generally classify the Gen Z population as being born between the years 1995 and 2010. In the coming years, companies and employers will have to prepare for the unique workforce that is Generation Z.

“Future jobs will have to have variety to hold Gen Z’s attention and must be challenging enough to test [their] entrepreneurial side,” Kansas City marketing expert Angie Read said. “Most [Gen Z’s] see themselves starting their own business someday, so that may be a challenge for companies looking to hire.”

Generation Z was born into a world with technology at their fingertips, allowing them to pick up technology usage naturally.

Though some experts would argue the group is generally distracted, with a short attention span, Read said she found it hard to find negative aspects of the generation. She described them as “independent, hard-working, financially responsible, globally minded [and] altruistic.” These traits are crucial to future success in the real world and in careers.

Senior Hayley McCune said there are key differences she notices between younger and older generations.

“My parents are Baby Boomers, and they aren’t as connected to cell phones or to technology in general,” McCune said. “They rely on it as much as we do to keep entertained.”

McCune said she constantly finds herself needing to keep her hands busy, and some form of technology usually satisfies.

Similarly, senior Lauren VanWinkle said her parents aren’t as technologically advanced as people in her generation.

“They tend to only do work while at [the office], whereas [Gen Z] is more likely to be tied to their work because they always have some form of technology with them,” VanWinkle said. “The Gen Z population is better at multitasking, and they need to stay busy.”

When imagining how Gen Z will work with other generations, it’s typically thought that they would get along better with Millennials than Baby Boomers; however, Read said Gen Z and Baby Boomers may have more commonalities than expected.

“Both generations have traditional attitudes toward things like work ethic, [and] personal success,” Read said. “Both generations are independent, determined and fiscally responsible. Gen Z differs more from Millennials than people [might] expect. Although both generations are digital natives, Gen Z knows success must be earned — that it’s not just given. Millennials are more idealistic whereas Gen Z is more realistic.”

The use of technology by the young generation will transform what the workforce of the future will look like, and employers will have to challenge them and offer them feedback for their work, according to Forbes magazine. Gen Z will “expect complete transparency and authenticity” in life and will continue to be the creators of their own personal identities.


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