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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Manager Mayhem

Junior discusses role as manager on two BV sports teams

Blue Valley offers a multitude of different sports from dive to basketball giving the students an opportunity to get involved in team sports. However, junior Kaitlyn Thompson has embraced a different role in the sports community — manager. 

“My sister was a junior when I was a freshman and I wanted to spend more time with her,” Thompson said. “I was only playing volleyball at the time, but I’ve grown up playing sports, so I wanted to just stay involved in the sports life.”

While the managing job is open for everyone, there are a lot of tasks that they have to handle. Thompson, with a few years experience behind her, has been tasked with getting the teams ready for games and has even been trusted with in-game duties. 

“This year for basketball, I was heavily in charge of the equipment stuff like, especially right at the beginning of the season. I like getting all the uniforms ready for the team and making sure everyone has the schedule set by Erickson,” Thompson said. “Then during games for both softball and basketball, I keep stats and am ready to answer any questions that they have about either our team or the other team because I keep all those records.” 

Thompson has continued to help out both the girls basketball and softball team past her sister’s graduation. 

“I like it, mostly for the sports environment. I love feeling a part of the team without having to do the physical part of it and keeping stats to see during the games, it’s fun,” Thompson said. 

The experience was not just a one-off event but has brought a new perspective to Thompson on what her future might look like. 

“I figured out [from managing that] I want to major in sports management when I go to college and I want to work in the business side of athletics,” Thompson said. “It’s really been a positive experience and has helped me see my future better.”

About the Contributor
Nikoo Tahmasebi
Nikoo Tahmasebi, Staff Writer
Nikoo Tahmasebi is a junior and a staff writer. It is her first year on staff and is excited to write about the school events in the coming year. She is also a Tiger Mentor and an officer of the debate team. Outside of school, she works as a lead instructor at a taekwondo studio. In her free time, she likes to go shopping with friends, watch movies, and blast music in her car.