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The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Reality TV falsely depicts actual reality, wastes time

Reality TV.
It seems like if we actually used all the time Americans watch it, we would have solved world cancer, discovered a few new elements and taken up knitting on the side.
But, for now, we are all stuck on the couch, watching someone else’s life while we are missing out on our own.
It’s not that I’m against TV or even reality TV. It’s definitely entertaining. Whether I’m watching someone achieving their dreams or watching someone ruin their life, my eyes are glued to the screen.
I’m honestly not sure why.
None of the people I see on reality TV have anything to do with my life, and they probably never will. These shows don’t teach me anything — most do the opposite, giving examples of bad decisions, actions and choice of words.
Some think we watch reality TV because we are trying to live vicariously through others. I have to admit, it can seem like it would be amazing to be able to buy what I want, do what I want and go wherever I want — all within a half-hour TV episode.
Then, I sit back and think how terrible it would be to live like that all the time, always worrying about what I looked like and who was watching me.
What a shallow way to have to live. I definitely wouldn’t want to be in their shoes. This brings up another point: Do we enjoy watching reality TV because it makes us feel better about our own lives?
I think it does just the opposite. It seems like watching these shows is just focusing on the negative. I can’t speak for everyone else, but watching people fight and make mistakes just makes me appalled and depressed.
You’re probably starting to wonder what my point is.
While I would encourage you to give up reality TV altogether — you’ll be amazed at how much more free time you have — I’m almost positive you won’t. Turning on the TV is just too convenient.
With that in mind, I encourage you to think about what you are watching and to ask yourself why you even care.
Do I really need to see Kim Kardashian and her sisters fight for the thirteen millionth time this season only to make up again by at the end of each episode?
Probably not.
But if you absolutely refuse to turn the TV off, at least pay attention to what messages are being sent to you.
Don’t forget that “reality TV” actually means everything but. What the media says is real and important isn’t, no matter how appealing it may seem.
It’s OK if you watch reality TV, but be sure to not make it your reality.

About the Contributor
Rachel Cannon
Rachel Cannon, Staff Writer
Junior Rachel Cannon is excited to be a first-year newspaper staffer this year. Outside of newspaper, Rachel is involved in theater. She is a member of Fifth Wall and Rep Theater. This year, Rachel is a Tiger Mentor. She is also involved in her church’s youth group and enjoys horseback riding. Rachel hopes to grow as a writer this year.
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Reality TV falsely depicts actual reality, wastes time