A Question of Faith

Religious conversations should not be avoided, are an important part of getting to know someone


For so many people, religion is considered a sensitive topic, only to be spoken about among people who share the same theology.

It shouldn’t be seen that way.

Religion can be a window into someone’s soul that exposes the deepest part of someone, what they care about most, what they believe in and what they’ve learned through their faith.

Even if you’re not very religious or you don’t believe in the same thing as your friends, it should become an open and honest conversation.

This isn’t coming from someone who’s exceptionally devout or someone who loves to talk about their religion. I’m atheist, but that doesn’t mean I don’t find theology incredibly interesting and important.

Just because I don’t believe in religion doesn’t mean I’m disrespectful of people who do. Religion is a great way to get to know someone and can lead to you realizing things you never did about that person.

People think that a conversation about religion will lead to an argument, but that’s not the case if the people involved go into the conversation will open minds and acceptance.

With all the religions in the world, thinking your particular one, or lack of one, is the only religion of importance or validity is a huge misjudgement.

Religion is interesting — it’s a story about how people may have began — and it’s important to millions of people all over the world.

Having a conversation about religion leads back to being respectful and considerate toward other people.

It may not seem important now, but learning about different people and making the effort to know their background and beliefs is important, no matter what you believe.