Feedback Policy
The Tiger Print is an open forum for student and other public expression and the discussion of issues of concern to its audience.
Therefore, it welcomes feedback, including letters to the editor, guest columns and other expressions of opinion from students, faculty, administrators, community residents and the general public.
The Tiger Print staff will work to maintain the intent of feedback providers but reserves the right to edit all such submissions for length, grammar, potential libel, invasion of privacy, obscenity, and other factors consistent with Kansas Senate Bill #62. In addition, the staff reserves the right to edit feedback to eliminate coarse language, racism, sexism, homophobia, misstatements of fact, comments without an obvious connection to the target story, advertising, and personal attacks and material that otherwise exposes members of the Tiger community to public scorn, embarrassment or ridicule. Not all of the letters will be published; letters are published at the discretion of the editors, with input from the staff’s adviser, based on the above-stated principles and on individual circumstances.
Staff members will attempt to post acceptable material in a timely manner; however, school schedules and other factors may delay postings.
The Tiger Print staff strongly encourages posters of feedback to use their real names; however, staff members generally do not have the resources to verify the identities of people submitting feedback.
Letter writers who do not complete all fields on the feedback form should expect that their comments may not be published.
The Tiger Print staff reserves the right to track IP addresses of people posting comments.
The Tiger Print staff reserves the right to change this policy, its impact on all entries in our feedback database, and treatment of any individual piece of feedback without notice. Your age is collected to comply with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act; per this law, only submissions from visitors over 13 years of age may be publicly posted. By submitting a comment you are stating that you are at least 13 years of age. The Tiger Print is not liable for dishonesty supplying this information.