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The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Series finale leaves viewers feeling ‘Lost’ for good television

The final season of Lost has only three episodes left.

Many BV students started watching the show during the first season and have followed it until now, season six.

Sophomore Amanda Penn is one of those loyal Lost fans.  

“I like how you never know what’s coming next,” Penn said. “You actually have to think about everything that’s happening to understand it.” 

Senior Hunter Kennon also appreciates the mysterious aspect of the show. 

“I like the way Lost always keeps you guessing,” he said. “One moment you think you have everything figured out and the next you’re staring at the screen in disbelief, trying to register what just happened.”

Kennon said the depth of the story is what has kept him watching.  

“The way that all of the storylines and character backstories are interconnected helps to keep your head spinning,” he said. 

Kennon didn’t start watching Lost until season two. 

“Shortly after I started watching, I bought season one on DVD and became truly hooked,” he said. “I eventually got the rest of my family hooked, too.” 

Students who didn’t watch the show’s early seasons find it confusing and hard to follow.

“I’ve seen like five minutes of a couple episodes, but not the whole thing,” sophomore McKenzie Nicholis said. “The show is just so hard to follow. I don’t understand how people can watch it.”

Penn said to fully understand the plot, viewers should start by watching season one.  

“You have to watch from the first season to the last to understand,” Penn said. “If you still don’t get it then you can ask someone. You can also watch the show before and it explains what happened at the bottom of the screen.”

Nicholis said the different components of Lost are hard to put together.

“I don’t understand how the writers make everything fit together,” she said. “It’s just so weird.”

Kennon said that the show is entertaining to all types of viewers. 

“You can enjoy Lost on a lot of different levels,” he said. “Sure, there are people who know every detail about the show and can quote episode names on demand, but I don’t think those super-fans make up the majority of viewers. I think a lot of people just sit down and watch to be entertained.”

Kennon enjoys hearing other viewers’ predictions about the show. 

“The plot of the show is very deep and filled with allusions,” he said.”So fans toss around a ton of theories, which are entertaining to read and keep up with.” 

With Lost’s final season coming to a close, viewers will have to find other shows to watch in its place.  

“I’m so depressed that the show’s ending,” Penn said. “I’ll probably start watching V.” 

While Kennon doesn’t know what shows he will watch when Lost is over, he is sad and will miss the show. 

“I am disappointed that this is the last season,” he said. “But I’m also glad that they’re not dragging the show on forever and ruining it in the process.”

Lost airs on the ABC network on Tuesdays at 8 p.m.

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The news site of Blue Valley High School
Series finale leaves viewers feeling ‘Lost’ for good television