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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Sucker Punch provides stunning visuals despite foggy plot

I think I was just sucker punched out of my nine dollar movie ticket.
Zach Snyder, the genius that brought you 300 and Watchmen recently released Sucker Punch with a pathetic 19.1 million dollars.
Honestly, I couldn’t tell you if I liked it or disliked it.
I thought going into the film it would be five femme fatals delivering a butt kicking in an imaginary world and then escaping the insane asylum that they were put in.
I was so wrong.
I thought it would be your regular thoughtless action movie.
I was so wrong.
Leaving that theatre I still can’t tell you what was real and what was imaginary. Baby Doll played by Emily Browning leads the group of girls on several missions to get items in the imaginary world that would help them escape the Lennox house that they were unfairly placed in.
At the end of this movie you question exactly who was really crazy.
If you go see Sucker Punch go for the stunning visual and direction. Zach Snyder has an eye for movies. He takes a regular scene puts a new fresh camera angle on it and makes it into a work of art.
It is important to go into Sucker Punch understanding that you won’t understand. I didn’t like the shifty story line.
Sucker Punch delivers a visual experience that pushes the boundaries on animation technology mixed with live action. It has a creative blend that will keep the viewer interested even if they have no idea what is going on.
There is so much detail and so much going on. Just be glad it isn’t in 3-D.

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The news site of Blue Valley High School
Sucker Punch provides stunning visuals despite foggy plot