The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Blue Valley Urban Dictionary

APUSH: Literally, a push off the cliff of sanity into the pit that is Advanced Placement United States History.

Aux Gym: The Mini-Me of the regular-sized gym.

Band Hall: Also includes the somewhat estranged cousins of the band — choir and orchestra.

Bathroom Passes: “Get Out of Jail Free” cards.

BV Air Conditioning System: Polar Vortex wannabe.

“Can I have a piece of gum?”: The equivalent of walking up to a stranger and casually asking for a piece of his or her soul.

The Cages: Likely poltergeist residence.

Class Competition: A quest to answer the age-old question, “Who has the most school spirit?”, even though we “know” it’s always the seniors.

Fired Up: 1.) A common phrase used by Scotty B (see other entry) to indicate the need for students to amp up their enthusiasm.

2.) To describe the burning passion in your soul for Tiger Spirit.

Fixed Forum: Like ketchup, it goes well with anything.

“Freshmen are so annoying.”: Something all sophomores get really excited to say.

Fourth Lunch: That feeling when you see your waiter bringing out food, but it’s not yours. Then, he puts it in the back for a half-hour before remembering it actually is yours.

HELA: The awkward nickname for the class formerly known as CA that the subject gave itself.

Junior Pod: Like walking through molasses. With human-sized chunks. That have large backpacks.

Mechanical Pencils: Something you never actually buy — you just kind of get them off the floor.

Mobiles: BV trailer park.

No. 2 Pencils: Fond kindergarten memories…that the ACT is holding onto far too tightly.

“No Cell Phones” Policy: More ignored than the “Terms and Conditions” page.

PAC: Don’t call it “the pack.” Don’t.

Parking Lot: A place where cars are snug as a bug in a rug — with fender-benders.

School Center: The way teachers get away with giving way too much homework without causing a massive student uprising.

Scotty B: Our homie principal, broski. What, what?

Senior Study Hall: Exit Visa to an unknown, exotic location.

The Swim Unit: Social exploitation in its lowest form.

TCB: A half-hour in which you can be really productive or, as usual, not.

Tornado drills: A sardine simulation on the days when everyone seems to have forgotten to wear deodorant or have any semblance of personal hygiene at all.

Tradition: A really good reason to hate West.

Twitter: Definition blocked due to restricted content.

Windowless Classrooms: No sunlight indicating the passage of time.

Your Best Effort: Optional senior year.

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The news site of Blue Valley High School
Blue Valley Urban Dictionary