Blue Valley color guard

Starting off the year great

The Blue Valley color guard is staring off the year great.

screen-shot-2016-09-22-at-2-19-24-pm “So far everything has been great,” freshman Catherine Kellerman said.

Everyone’s focused on getting the competitive show perfect to perform at their first competition.

“The color guard has been getting ready to perform our competitive show for the football game” freshman Rose McAfee said.

The color guard will be performing at every home football game as long as there are not away at a competition. They perform their competitive show for the first time Sept. 16.

“Last football game I was nervous to perform at the football game. McAfee said I was afraid i was going to mess up or when we toss the flag my flag was going to do sailing and hit someone”.

The color guard has practice 1st hour at 7 a.m. everyday except Thursday. Every Tuesday and Thursday they have practice from 6-9 p.m. On Saturday they have practice from 12-4. These practices include going through drill, practicing flag technics and going over choreography.

“The band has four competitions starting in the beginning of October. Competitions are every weekend,” McAfee said.

This month for the color guard has been all about cleaning work and making everything look right.

“BOA is the biggest competition and the one most people look forward to perform at,” Kellerman said.

Kellerman said her favorite thing to do while practicing is the swing flag and rifle. McAfee’s favorite thing is any choreography done with the flag. The flag is done in the beginning of the competitive show and the swing flag is done at the end.

“One lunch day [in middle school] the high school color guard and performed McAfee said. I thought it looked really cool and fun. I think it is a great way to make friends and get out there. [It] seemed really fun and interesting.”