Senior Confessions
I went to prom with a guy from BVNW and hooked up with him multiple times, only to found out he’s my 3rd cousin.
I had sex in a hammock by the baseball fields while there was people practicing on the fields
I report people I don’t like to the office for vaping.
I lost my virginity in the junior parking lot.
I licked my friend’s papercut for $3 and now i might get HIV.
I am gay and my girlfriend has no idea.
I pooped in the urinal junior year.
I started smoking after the DEA agent came in to talk about the dangers of drugs, out of spite and honestly It’s the only way I was able to deal with the AP workload.
Molly Holmes is a senior staff writer for “The Tiger Print.” She runs track and cross country, is involved in Students Assist Schools, the Tiger Mentor...