This Page is a Little Wordy…

Students describe themselves using one word

This Page is a Little Wordy...

Max Gelman, 11

“I chose this word because I like to meet new people and have new experiences with people. I’m a very friendly person if it’s people that are my age, older, younger, teachers or family members — I like to be incorporated with them.” 

Nick Rofail, 12

“[I chose the word] passionate because I just love everything — especially showing support for sports and showing that I care and putting the effort in. Even my mom can tell. She loves how all of the players and everyone treats me about [my passion]. She always says, ‘I can tell you’re really passionate about it.’”

Nicole Osterland, 9

“I would choose compassionate because I love to meet new people and help others. Sometimes I volunteer at the food kitchen, and I help people down there. I also love doing community service and helping others.”

Tista Palmukhopadhyay, 10

“I chose this word because usually, in situations like these, I guess I put myself out there first because I like to get things done. I also volunteer at the hospital, so we have two people at each desk, and I usually am the spokesperson to all of the guests.”