New Year Resolutions

New Year Resolutions

January is the month for resolutions. Although many people set a goal for the year ahead, a study done by Ashira Prossack from showed less than 25 percent of people stay committed to their resolutions after just 30 days, and only 8 percent accomplish them.

Carson Strang 11

“I want to have a positive impact on others. I love seeing others happy and it’s just a good feeling knowing you made someone’s day better.”

Will Montgomery 12

“[I wanted to] learn [to] not care of people think about me. I think I accomplished that because I’m smiling 24/7.”

Sam Hurt 12

“Having more realistic expectations [gives you] a lot better outlook on life in general.”

Eliot O’Bryan, 10

“Don’t make it super big, because it’s hard to go through with big goals. Set a specific time. Try not to do it for only two days. You have to remind yourself what your motivation is.”