Why Parasite is an excellent story about desperation from poverty
There’s been controversy over Bong Joon-ho’s oscar award winning movie Parasite, following it being awarded four Academy Awards and two nominations in the 2020 Academy Awards.
The movie depicts an extremely impoverished South Korean family that is hired by an affluent family, while under false identity, as the affluent family is gullible to the advice of the employed family. The impoverished family becomes entirely dependent upon the affluent family for income, as they’re the only reliable employment within a community of with hiring business become increasingly selective.
The movie tells only one story of many families that must undergo desperate means to stay alive, resisting homelessness and starvation. Their specific story is very unique, but their motives are universal.
“I tried to express a sentiment specific to the Korean culture, all the responses from different audiences were pretty much the same,” said director Bong Joon-ho. “Essentially we all live in the same country, called Capitalism.”
Spencer Norman is a junior and this is his third year on staff. He enjoys Redbull, computer hardware, and critiquing others’ music taste. His joy...