Is it really a rain of terror?
Name: Selma Ramirez, 10
Likes rain?: Yes.
Favorite rainy day activity: Being aesthetic by sitting at a window
Why: “It just feels really good. I’m like a rainy Girl aesthetic when I sit by my rainy window and sometimes I can pretend to be sad if I listen to sad music and put my head against the rainy window — it’s like [I’m in] a movie.”
Name: Rose Dersch, 10
Likes rain?: No.
Why: “Rain is very pretty. It’s like snow — you think it’s pretty and you think it’s a good idea but then you have to exist in it and it’s just miserable.”
Name: Tylar Beck, 9
Likes rain?: “The rain is my enemy”
Why: “It’s really inconvenient to walk all the way from the parking lot and to school — your bag gets wet, your stuff is wet, and you’re like, ‘That’s not [OK]’. [I normally] just cover my head and hope for the best.”
Name: Maya Muller, 9
Likes rain: “I love the rain.”
Why: “I really like playing in the rain. It’s peaceful and nice, especially if it’s warm outside and it’s raining — it feels nice outside.”
Katie Kennedy is a senior, and this is her third year on staff. She spent last year as design editor and is now one of the publication editors. Katie is...