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The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Roman Empires

Newspaper staff discusses their Roman Empires

When you think of the Roman Empire, you probably think about Ancient Rome, or even Julius Caesar; however, a trend on Tik Tok has emerged as of September 2023. This trend shows how men often think about the Roman Empire more than women. Many men even say they think about the Roman Empire everyday. From there, the trend evolved into people sharing what they think about on a daily basis. Some members of the newspaper staff shared what they consider their Roman Empire.


Rhylan Stern, 12
What is your Roman Empire? Pitch Perfect
Why is this your Roman Empire? My dad loves these movies and we would always watch them so that I would become obsessed, so I love the whole franchise and the treblemakers.
How long has this been your roman empire? For as long as I can remember


Dayna Bemiss, 11
What is your Roman Empire? My Little Pony
Why is this your Roman Empire? It was my favorite show as a kid and the theme song is a bop
How long has this been your roman empire? Since elementary school


Miranda Henry, 11
What is your Roman Empire? My Ex best friend from 6th grade
Why is this your Roman Empire? Because no one has heard from her since 8th grade and last I heard she was in a rehabilitation center in Colorado
How long has this been your roman empire? Probably since freshman year


Ava McGuire, 12
What is your Roman Empire? That picture of Phoebe Bridger and Paul Mescal at the met gala and he’s looking at Daisy Edgar Jones.
Why is this your Roman Empire? It’s crazy. Like wow. Poor Phoebe. But also, I loved Normal People and Paul and Daisy look so good together. I’m conflicted about it. He looks at her so lovingly but phoebe looks so in love. Incredibly heartbreaking situation.
How long has this been your roman empire? This has been in my mind everyday since that picture came out.


Nikoo Tahmasebi, 11
What is your Roman Empire? MET gala phoebe bridgers and daisy edgar jones
Why is this your Roman Empire? It is genuinely haunting to look at, if I was Phoebe I would literally cry and die in a hole
How long has this been your roman empire? Forever


Callie Dyches, 11
What is your Roman Empire? Spiderman 100%
Why is this your Roman Empire? I think about Peter Parker ALL the time. He just wanders his charming little self into my thoughts whenever I’m supposed to be doing something useful. Don’t confuse this with being obsessed with the actors–I couldn’t care less about them. I just love Peter Parker.
How long has this been your roman empire? Peter Parker’s been my Roman Empire ever since my little brother forced me to watch Spiderman Homecoming against my will. I was hooked, and then proceeded to watch all movies known to man containing Spiderman.


Harrison Jones, 12
What is your Roman Empire? Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone’s relationship
Why is this your Roman Empire? They are real life La La Land, they are the parasocial relationship I allow myself, I would never leave Andrew Garfield
How long has this been your roman empire? Since they broke up, I have been a Spiderman fan for life.


Ella Lim, 11
What is your Roman Empire? Princess Diana
Why is this your Roman Empire? Everything about her. The way she was literally loved by everyone, Charles and his affair with Camilla, her black revenge dress and Camilla’s…interesting recreation, her death (which was definitely on purpose), that one video of these group of friends playing UNO and their reactions when they saw that Diana was dead, and the fact that she could have been queen right now but SHE ISN’T. There’s just so much about her that is so different from other royals and her whole story is so interesting
How long has this been your roman empire? 2 years


Isaac Hudson, 12
What is your Roman Empire? Bigtop Burger
Why is this your Roman Empire? It’s such a good animation series and I can’t stop analyzing the references in the episodes
How long has this been your roman empire? Almost a year


Andrew Sharber, 12
What is your Roman Empire? The Blue Devils DCI 2017 performance called “Metamorph”
Why is this your Roman Empire? The performance that they put on the field is nearly indescribable. Despite hours of work and preparation put into this, they choose to be involved in DCI due to the fact that they love to march and put on a performance that the audience can enjoy. The music that they make is something that you can feel in the soul. It’s beautiful and something that everyone should watch in their life whether they like DCI or not.
How long has this been your roman empire? Since freshman year of high school, I was introduced to the show through marching band and I’ve always loved watching this show and listening to the music.


Ashling Bahadursingh,11
What is your Roman Empire? Hozier
Why is this your Roman Empire? He’s 6’6 and has fantastic music. His music draws a lot of inspiration from blues and has a lot of really great political themes. His lyrics are fantastic and I love his accent. He’s beautiful, I love him.
How long has this been your roman empire? 7th grade


Michael Leach, 10
What is your Roman Empire? Kendrick Lamar
Why is this your Roman Empire? I wholeheartedly believe he is the greatest person to exist ever. His music makes my heart warm, and I can’t help but get emotional every time I think about him. I think about three things every day and 80% of them are Kendrick Lamar. It’s unhealthy how obsessed I am with this man, not only is his music good, but so are his facial features. If you ask me to name any one of his songs I could do it within hearing one second of the song, It’s a secret talent.
How long has this been your roman empire? About a year and a half


Gaby Ayres, 11
What is your Roman Empire? Bullet-journaling
Why is this your Roman Empire? I have daily, weekly, and monthly bullet journal pages that I update!
How long has this been your roman empire? I started my first journal in 2020


Katie Kennedy, 11
What is your Roman Empire? Either the fact that someone is gonna be under my car or behind it or the phantom regiment Spartans show
Why is this your Roman Empire? Girl ????
How long has this been your roman empire? Forever.


Emma McAtee, 11
What is your Roman Empire? Squirrels
Why is this your Roman Empire? Everytime I drive or I’m out on a run, I always see squirrels. Watching them run and climb makes me so happy because they’re fully living their best lives. They’re just so adorable and I have so many squirrel stuffed animals. I want my own pet squirrel.
How long has this been your roman empire? All through my childhood

About the Contributor
Emma McAtee
Emma McAtee, Staff Writer
Emma McAtee is a junior and it is her second year on staff. Emma is involved in the musical, Cross Country, Track, Tiger TV, NHHS,Quill and Scroll, and is vice president of the Junior class for Stuco. Outside of school, Emma works at THE Sunset Grill and enjoys being a waitress. Emma enjoys taking film photos and late nights with friends. She’s excited for this upcoming year and to make more memories with the staff members! :)