Miles Faulkner, 9
Do you bring the same lunch every day?
“I get hot lunch once every week. Every other Friday, there’s chicken alfredo day, which is absolutely fire. Every other Wednesday, there’s chicken burrito day, which is even better. When I pack my own lunch, I just get a sandwich. I used to get two to three burritos but when I didn’t finish them at lunch, I would take them into my next class, which was technology with Mr. Suhr. [He] sent a picture to my mom of me eating a burrito, and then my mom was mad at me for eating a burrito in technology.”
Do you trade snacks at lunch? “Yes, always. That’s a very important thing, because I’m only allowed to get hot lunch once a week. I especially like fruit snacks. If somebody has fruit snacks, I always want to trade for those.”
What’s something you’ll never put in your lunch box?
“I would say sourdough bread, but I always put that in my lunchbox because that’s the only bread I have. Sourdough from Costco is the most terrible bread there is.”
What’s the most disgusting lunch story you have?
“The last day of middle school lunch, my whole lunch table bought these carbonated drinks, like Snapples, [and] we all shook them up and shotgun them with pencils. It got everywhere and all over our clothes.”
Noah Pribula, 10
Do you bring the same lunch every day?
“No, typically I bring a frozen burrito bowl.”
Do you trade snacks at lunch?
“No, I never really ended up doing that. I never got the opportunity to [trade snacks]. I kind of skipped middle school. “
What’s something that you’ll never put in your lunch box?
“Apples, mostly because when you cut them they turn brown. I really hate the brown part. I don’t like the texture, [it’s] kind of slimy.”
What’s the most disgusting lunch store you have?
“Probably the time that I ended up trying to [eat] some kind of soup, and I couldn’t find a spoon, and so I ended up just taking little bits of the meat with my hands.”
Alli Phillips, 10
Do you bring the same lunch every day?
“No, I like to change it up. I sometimes take salad or cottage cheese and crackers.”
Would you buy school lunch every day if you could?
“No. One, I’m pescatarian, and there’s not that many vegetarian options with enough protein or nutrients in them. And then two, a lot of the fruits and veggies are sometimes not super high quality.”
Do you trade snacks at lunch?
“I definitely did in the past. I would just find my veggies and stuff and trade it for junk food for my friends. I don’t do it as often anymore.”
What’s something you’ll never put in your lunch box?
What’s the most disgusting lunch story you have?
“One time, when I was walking back from lunch last year, someone was throwing grapes in the hallway and hit me in the head.”