Oftentimes we find ourselves getting stuck in the same routine. Waking up, going to school, and playing the same sport we’ve played for years as soon as the bell rings. When it comes to high school, it’s normally seen as a time of exploration, a way to truly find yourself and who you want to become. I found myself running. I played soccer my whole life and chose a path of running. I joined track my freshman year, cross country my sophomore year and have ran ever since; however, it wasn’t bringing me the same joy that it used to. My junior year, track felt as though it was a burden and each day I went home feeling as though I wasn’t doing enough. I didn’t believe in myself and it tore apart my mental health. Why should I be in a constant cycle of something I’m not fond of?
That’s why this year, I chose a different path. That path was BV Titans Lacrosse. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’ve had no prior experience with lacrosse besides a camp when I was 7 years old. That, sadly, was a very long time ago so I remember nothing about the game. I was scared out of my mind to join but I knew it would be the right decision for myself to make. With a little bit of peer pressure and waiting till the last second to sign up, I joined the team.
Tryouts week came, and I was the most nervous I’ve ever been. I had gone in only knowing two girls on the team and felt as though I was going to be seen as an outsider. Right after the first ever practice I realized there was no need for all my worrying because the girls welcomed me with open arms. Everyone was so nice from the moment I got there and no one cared that I’d never played before, they were happy for me to be out and trying something new.
After tryouts were over I felt more than happy with myself, I found joy in a sport I’d never even thought of trying a year ago and I found the nicest group of girls. I ended up becoming a swing player (meaning I play both varsity and junior varsity) which is a huge accomplishment after only 1 week of lacrosse. The season has already been so fun and I can’t wait to learn more about lacrosse and enjoy the time spent with my new teammates.
With that said, you can pick up anything you want and just try it. You’re never going to know if you like something if you don’t go after it. It is never too late to try something new. It is okay to feel out of your comfort zone, that’s the only way you learn to love new experiences. Your biggest limit is yourself and your anxiety of trying new things. Engaging in new activities can be so beneficial especially for your own personal growth and your own mental health.
Don’t worry about what others think, stick to yourself and embrace the feeling of being comfortable with the uncomfortable.