Art Classes, Up Close: Students explain their favorite art electives, find potential careers in field

Senior Skyler Baker 
Question: Why did you take Photography II?
Answer: “I found it fascinating that I was able to grasp a better understanding of my surroundings by simply looking through the viewfinder and capturing the moment in time with the click of my finger.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about it?
A: “The freedom to shoot what you want — the way you want to — and call it your own. Also, being in the dark room got really repetitive, but it was quite relaxing during the stressful school year.”
Q: What was your favorite project?
A: “‘Mordencage’ — taking a regular black and white print and putting it through a bleaching process several times. Eventually, the bleach separates the emulsion from the actual paper, and makes a veil. After this, you are able to manipulate the photograph to make it look the way you want. The end product is sort of sinister depending on the subject in the photograph, but always ends up being quite enthralling no matter what.”
Q: How does this class influence your life?
A: “It’s something I like to do. As long as I always enjoy it, I don’t think being unhappy will ever be an option. Even if I don’t pursue it as a career, it’s there to fall back on. I gain a lot of creativity and positivity realizing how interesting everything really is once I take a good look.”
Q: Would you recommend this class?
A: “I do not recommend this class to everyone. If you don’t like art or find photography interesting, don’t take it. You are wasting everyone’s time and also wasting expensive film. If you want to try something new, and you think you might like it, give it a shot. Having the right mindset going into a course like this really affects the quality of your work. It’s just a matter of capturing your feelings or surroundings onto a strip of film.”
Q: Would you pursue a career in this kind of art?
A: “I don’t think I want to pursue this as my career — not so much because I don’t want to, but just because it’s so hard to be an artist nowadays. Selling work becomes tedious and you have to produce a lot of it. But I will definitely keep both ceramics and photography in mind as I progress. They will always be there to fall back on.”

GRAPHIC DESIGN: junior Ad Oppliger
Q: Why did you take Graphic Design?
A: “I took it because I took CAPS Interactive Design, and it’s a very similar class. I wanted to learn back here at school to finish up the year.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about it?
A: “I really like working on computers rather than paper.”
Q: What was your favorite project?
A: “We haven’t really gotten into any projects yet, but my favorite that I have done is working for Blue Valley North. I made a poster for their basketball team when I [was] at CAPS.”
Q: How does this class influence your life?
A: “I want to be a graphic designer.”
Q: Would you recommend this class?
A: “Absolutely, yes.”
Q: Would you pursue a career in this kind of art?
A: “Yes, I would like to be a graphic designer.”

DIGITAL IMAGING: sophomore Gracie Goheen
Q: Why did you take Digital Imaging?
A: “I took the class because I wanted to explore the digital side of the camera instead of a classic photography class.”
Q: What is your favorite thing about it? 
A: “I think [art teacher Mark] Mosier did a good job of helping us, and I really like using Photoshop to edit our images.”
Q: What was your favorite project?
A: “[It was called] ‘The Passage of Time.’ We got a ton of freedom to do whatever we wanted, and I made a series of, like, five photos and got to make a whole display, and it was really cool.”
Q: How did this class influence your life?
A: “It made me more aware of how to use cameras and some common knowledge and vocabulary when it comes to taking photos.”
Q: Would you recommend this class?
A: “Yes, it was fantastic.”
Q: Would you pursue a career in this kind of art?
A: “No because I don’t want to go to art school.”

PAINTING I: sophomore 
Caroline Kalmus
Q: What did you take Painting?
A: “I enjoy painting and wanted to spend the semester focusing on it.”
Q: What was your favorite thing about it?
A: “We got free creative licence and just being able to explore different creative mediums and the variety of projects we got to do weren’t like traditional, boring ones.”
Q: What was your favorite project?
A: “The final where we had to do a self-portrait or something representing ourselves.”
Q: How did this class influence your life?
A: “It gave me an outlet, and it helped me try different fields of art and expand my skill set.”
Q: Would you recommend this class?
A: “Yes — 100 times yes.”
Q: Would you pursue a career in this kind of art?
A: “Yes — art therapist.”