Several Spectacular Seniors

The Class of 2017 reveals what got them through high school, reveal tidbits of wisdom gathered through the years

After 12 years of seeing the same people for five days a week, amazing teachers, not so amazing school food, trying to find their group of friends, Friday night football games, cramming the night before a test, and studying to get their dream score on the ACT, the class of 2017 has been through it all.

Ambitions are high as the class enters their senior year, with a diverse range of activities being represented throughout the grade.

Senior Zack Willis said he has big goals for his last year, wishing to “win a State championship [in football]” in hopes of leaving his Blue Valley legacy.

From the other side of the stadium, senior Ruth Wilkinson said she looks forward to “all tsenior-infographiche senior traditions and doing your first lasts, like last football game, last first day of school, last pep band.”

In their final year in familiar surroundings, the seniors value time with their loved ones.    “[I’m going to miss] seeing the same people that you’re used to seeing every single day, because once you go to college everybody’s spread out” “[I’m going to a college in-state] because I don’t want to be too far away from my mom in case there was an emergency.” Wilkinson said.

Although aiming high in the social aspect, the educational drive isn’t as prevalent to the class. “I definitely took it easy, and I’m not ashamed to say that” Willis said. “I only have four real classes,” Wilkinson said.

The intelligent senior class has learned a lot of lessons throughout the years, not only in the classroom, but in their personal lives. Wilkinson said one piece of advice she would give to und
rclassmen is “Don’t procrastinate. I was a big procrastinator and it stressed me out 10 times more than it would’ve if I would’ve just sat down and done it.

One last piece of advice to underclassmen regards focusing on what is really important in your life, and not stressing out too much about things out of your control. “Don’t let school get in the way of your education. Just don’t stress so much about your academics. Is it important? Heck yes, it’s important, ut in my opinion, what’s more important is learning yourself, like you as an individual. Hanging out with your friends, having quality time.”