Classy Ladies
Students describe excitement toward show choir
There are numerous extracurricular activities at Blue Valley that few may know about, Classy Ladies being one of them.
“Classy Ladies is a show choir comprised of women, sophomores and up,” sophomore Emma Sullivan said. “I joined because I thought it would be a good experience and I would meet some people I might not have known otherwise.”
Although it is an outlet for many, there is a lot of development and preparations that go into the songs and dance routines.
“Practices usually include running through the songs and dances to prepare for our concerts and performances, and then going through and running the songs without the dances,” sophomore Anna Gorsuch said.
The girls have to prepare outside of school for their concerts, much like the other show choirs at BV.
“It is one of the easiest activities to balance because we rehearse for 30 minutes to an hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the occasional run through during Tiger Paws,” Sullivan said.
While Classy Ladies is an extracurricular activity, the students imply that there is still an adequate amount of time for school and a social life, and it is something they enjoy participating in.
“My favorite thing about Classy Ladies is that even though we are all in different grades, and have different amounts of experience in singing, we all still come together to create a great performance,” Gorsuch said.
The students say that although it is a lot of fun most of the time, it can be a bit tedious.
“Most aspects of Classy Ladies are great, but if I could, I would like to sing a different part once in awhile. I always sing alto, and it can get kind of boring to sing all the time,” Sullivan said.
There is a lot of decision that go into auditions, as they are held as early as the winter prior to the following year to ensure a few months before practices begin.
“To join, there are auditions in late winter and spring. [These] auditions consist of a singing section and a dancing section. The combined scores for your auditions determine if you make it or not. You also
have to be enrolled in a choir class.” Gorsuch said.
Although not a requirement, a history of singing and dancing is preferred.
“I have been dancing since I could walk, and I am on competitive teams at a studio, as well as dance team at BV. I have also been in choir for the last few years and have taken voice lessons for two years.” Gorsuch said.
Furthermore, it is a requirement that you participate in either private singing lessons or a choir outside of school.
“I sing in school, and in a separate organization outside of school [called] Allegro Choirs of Kansas City, in two ensembles. This year is my fifth year in Allegro, and I am in the high school girls ensemble that includes 60 girls, and the select girls ensemble that includes 12 girls.” Sullivan said.
Hard work is an essential aspect of Classy Ladies, but the students agree that it all pays off come concert time.
“I love being a part of such a beautiful group of people and wouldn’t change it for the world.” said Gorsuch.

Grace Lutz is a sophomore staff writer for “The Tiger Print.” She has been a varsity men’s baseball player for 7 years, and also enjoys comedy. She...