In the Eyes of a Freshman
Student offers perspective of entering BV

Do you remember the first day stepping into high school? It’s an exhilarating but scary moment for most. Starting this new chapter of your life, and finally becoming an actual young adult is a big step in a student’s life. Aidan Shaw is a ninth-grader that elaborated on his transition into high school.
Shaw touched base on starting high school saying, ”There are a lot more people in high school… and the classes are a lot harder.”
This is a common issue for most students starting a new chapter of school. There is always a huge jump in the curriculum which could lead you to think you aren’t cut out for the harder classes. In reality, you just have to keep trying. However, the overwhelming feeling can cause you a lot of stress. Each student handles stress in their own way.
Aidan Shaw said, ”Basketball has been a huge relief for me….It’s my break from school and home life.”
It’s important for each and every student to know their limits and pace themselves when completing a new challenge. No one wants to go through life always stressed and worried about the future. This is where our amazing staff comes in handy. Blue Valley has some of the best staff in the country; they really care about their students and make sure to provide everyone with special care.
Shaw explained, ”A lot of the teachers have helped me get transitioned into the new school year. I love how enthusiastic and crazy Mr. Bacon is.”
Shaw explained he had previously gone to Prairie Star Middle and didn’t feel as if he had been prepared enough for the transition. However, Shaw has found that being able to connect with the basketball team has made him feel more connected with the tiger family. He expanded on the fact that our school has many extracurricular options for him to choose from. Shaw strongly believes his life passion is basketball, but it’s good to always have a backup.
The important thing to remember is it gets better after freshman year.
Shaw said, ”I’m really excited to see what this year brings.”

Emily Cummings is a 16-year-old junior at BVHS. She has been on the newspaper staff for two years and loves being a part of the Tiger family. Her favorite...