It’s not all in your head

Senior diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder shares experience, advice


No one is perfect. Many people in the world have struggled with their mental health every day, even if it is undiagnosed. Senior Peyton Mott is one of those people — Mott was diagnosed with Bipolar I disorder earlier this year.  

“I was diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder Type One,” Mott said. “Based on society’s norms, its the less bad one.”

Mott said the disorder is accompanied by manic stages.

“I go through manic stages,” Mott said. “Mania can either be highs — like I’m on top of the world and I can get stuff done, followed by really dark, depressive states — I can’t get out of bed and I have no motivation.”

Mott said she can’t control her manic stages, despite what most believe.

“The highs are constantly happy, sometimes in a cartoon manner and almost unreal,” Mott said. “Some of the lows are some of the darkest things I’ve ever thought — not necessarily suicidal things, but some very dark things have come into my mind.”

Mott said before she was diagnosed, she missed many days of school because she couldn’t get out of bed.

“Now I go to therapy, which I recommend to everyone, even if they don’t have a diagnoses,” Mott said. “I also take medicine that stabilizes my mood.”

Mott believes that the subject of mental health is too taboo and people should stop degrading it.

“I personally am not a huge fan of ‘Oh, she’s so bipolar,’” Mott said. “I understand not a lot of people are educated about it, but until you know how it feels, you don’t recognize what you’re saying.”

Mott said her friends and family have helped her along the way and believes others who might be struggling with their own mental health should find someone to talk to.

“The key is to not self-diagnose,” Mott said. “But if you do see signs of things, find someone to talk to. I know a lot of people don’t really talk to the counselors or anything, but the psychology teachers know a lot about it and will talk to you about it — and parents as well. I know it’s scary to bring up to parents, but it’s a big deal even if they don’t understand at first — you have to tell someone.”