More Than Just a Library

BV librarians share how the library has become more modernized

What’s new in the library?

Spiro, Dash and Dot

These robots are for students who are interested in coding and problem-solving. The robots can be used during class lessons or whenever students want to try or fuel their passion of coding. Some of the robots even talk to each other.



Galley Club

Readers of this club get copies of unreleased books. The club members, along with the other 14 Galley Clubs across the United States, review and rate their top 10 young adult books.



3D Printer

This machine is allowed to be used for anything. Students can use the 3D printer for gifts, projects and more.



Scan the QR to start the process of 3D printing



How has the library changed throughout the years?

Mary Ellen Gojevic

“There’s that Captital One commercial that just came out and Jennifer Garner is in the library and [the librarians] are like, ‘Shhh.’ This is not like a library anymore. [The BV library] is not quiet. There is learning going on, and that’s the way it should be­ — hustling and bustling. [We] are grateful that people come [to the library]. We hope people see it as a place to hangout.”

Caitlin Neneman

“I still now to this day will have people say ‘Oh, you’re a librarian. You must like reading.’ I have to explain that’s only part of my job, but I’ve got all this other stuff that comes along with it. A big part of it is technology. A lot of people still view librarians as a more traditional role where we’re just shushing kids with our cardigans and that we’re not teaching nearly as much as we are.”