Turn Your Fans on High
Athletes discuss fans’ role at games

You know them, you love them, the Blue Valley Superfans are always there at the games to help rile up the crowds. They’re currently spreading their enthusiasm through diverse sports at BV.
“Superfans have been around for as long as I can remember,” football player senior Evan Taylor said. “Coming to the games when I was a little kid, I remember seeing they had the tank tops on, and they were cheering on their best friends.”
This fun and exciting atmosphere that the football players share with their fans has always solely been for the football team until this year.
A few of the other sports teams have recently started their own versions of Superfans. At the start of this year, senior Chase Taulbee created one for the soccer teams and had a lot of interest.
“We have 27 Superfans including myself for the fall 2019 season,” Taulbee said. “Those are just the ones wearing shirts, I have countless others tell me that they plan to come to all the games and support the team.”
Taulbee wanted to give the soccer teams the same amount of love and support as the other sports at our school.
“I saw there wasn’t a Superfan base for soccer organized and since [senior] Nick Rofail and I went to every game last year, I decided that I would run it myself,” Taulbee said. “I believe every activity needs a [fan base] at BV, and then I started to get invested in the team and really enjoyed going to the games.”
Although they’ve kept the Superfans very traditional, they differ slightly from the football Superfans that everyone’s used to. They don’t ask for their fans to buy them drinks or snacks before every game, the only thing they asked was that they show up to at least 50 percent of the games and support the team.
“The players were extremely excited to hear that his would be happening,” Taulbee said. “Nothing has ever been done like this for soccer, so for this to happen was a big step for the program.”
Taulbee has also gathered a lot of fan participation at other sporting events and has helped the volleyball team in adding Superfans and their organization of them as well.
The volleyball team had compared themselves to other schools fan sections and saw that their support was way lower than other schools support. In response to this, they decided to create their own Superfans.
“This year we wanted to create superfans not to ask for gifts but just to promote attendance,” senior volleyball player Evelyn Diederich said. “We have an extremely talented senior class, and want our support to match football or soccer games.”
The team currently has 75 Superfans, and many more who have become interested in cheering them on at home throughout the rest of their season.
“Every member of our team is so incredibly thankful for our fans,” Diederich said. “Regardless of how many are there, we appreciate everybody who has helped us so far this season.”
Superfans have cheered on and supported the football team for as long as anyone can remember and this tradition is only getting more interest as it spreads throughout all of the sports.
“It’s such a cool atmosphere, when the bleachers are packed,” Taylor said. “You almost feel like it takes you to the next level [and] you can perform better because you’re performing in front of your friends. Maybe you want to impress them subconsciously, but I feel like it definitely allows you to be the best player you can be at that time.”

Tymber Moody is a senior, and this is her third year on the newspaper staff. She is also this year’s web editor. Tymber is currently a tumbling...

Olivia Sherlock is a Story Editor for the Tiger Print. She is a senior, a swimmer and a professional controversial opinion writer. She would like to...