Graceful Guidance

Teachers give advice to students in midst of pandemic

Graceful Guidance

“My best advice to students is to be discerning about where you put your energy. Ask yourself — does this activity enrich me or drain me? This doesn’t always mean doing what makes you ‘feel good’ in the moment. I may hate cleaning my house, but I know that a cluttered living/work space isn’t good for me; I sometimes don’t feel like going for a walk or run, but I know it always helps me put things into perspective. It’s challenging, but figuring out what really fulfills you and eliminating what doesn’t can be such a great thing to learn and continue even after the pandemic is over.” -Jessica Kramer, ELA teacher

“My biggest piece of advice for students can be wrapped up in one word — grace. At the beginning of the year, I told all of you that we absolutely have to be willing to give grace to others, receive grace from others and, most importantly, give ourselves grace. You don’t have to have everything figured out every single day. Some days are harder than others — they just are. Grace and kindness and compassion have always mattered, but hopefully this pandemic has made all of us realize that those things really are the core of good humans and hopefully we remember that even when this pandemic is over. But for now, give grace whenever and wherever you can.” -Ange Sullivan, APUSH teacher

“Organization is key. Check your calendar, use a planner, read your emails, go to class and communicate with peers and teachers to ensure you not only know what you need to do, but you also know HOW to do it. With the continual changes to our schedules, staying on top of coursework is necessary to avoid falling behind and creating the dreaded ‘snowball effect’ when it comes to missing work. This is a year of flexibility and grace, so let your teachers know if you need help — we are here to work with you to solve problems [and] find solutions.” -Becky Knueven, ELA teacher