Pie to the Face
seniors enjoy opportunity to pie staff members in the face
Every year, the senior class and faculty members go head-to-head in a variety of competitions designed to result in one standing champion.
From volleyball to trivia to UNO, the challenges cover a wide range of interests.
However, one activity seems to stand out the most; pieing teachers in the face.
Those who sign up are able to participate in the light-hearted and highly-enjoyed activity. This has been a long-standing tradition at Blue Valley for many years.
Seniors look forward to it year after year, as it brings a sense of excitement after a long school term.
When it is time for the pie-throwing to begin, teachers are covered in tarps to ensure that no dessert ends up on their work attire.
Some faculty members such as Mr. Dolezal has been participating in this activity for years.
Being a fan-favorite amongst the senior class, a pie to the face is something that he has come to accept year after year.

Liya Patel is a senior this year and is starting her third year on staff. She enjoys spending time with her friends and family and loves to go on drives...