Humans of BV: Shivam Singh

Humans of BV: Shivam Singh

In August 2020, senior Shivam Singh made the decision to go vegan.

“I saw some things on social media and those inspired me to research,” Singh said. “I ended up watching documentaries and doing even more research and then I became vegan.”

Singh had two main motives for his dietary charge, although he found another positive effect of his decision.

“I think the main thing was health and the animals,” Singh said. “The environment just happened to be a good bonus.”

Despite the restriction on animal products, Singh is still able to eat a diverse range of foods.

“I don’t really have one thing,” Singh said. “Some of my favorite things that I eat a lot are burritos and tacos. I also do a lot of soups, stir fries, salads and smoothies.”

Singh believes that more people should try limiting the amount of animal products they consume.

“If more people slowly switched to making feasible plant-based swaps, that would do a lot more good.”