Humans of BV: Julia Kingsbury

In the winter of 2020, sophomore Julia Kingsbury and her friends came up with the idea of a co-ed indoor soccer league called The Volcanic Ducklings.

“The team is basically a large group of friends, mostly soccer players, that are all on the same indoor soccer team to play against other teams in the league,” Kingsbury said.

In the 2021 season, the team took up the name Devious Monkeys.

“I find it super fun, because we are all playing a game we enjoy with our friends,” Kingsbury said. “We don’t take it too seriously, which makes it super fun as well.”

Kingsbury feels that the nonchalance of the league and the pleasant environment provide her with a unique experience.

“It’s the first time I’ve been on a co-ed team, and I have always had to take other games mostly seriously, but this team is just for fun,” Kingsbury said.

Being able to simply have fun playing the sport she loves allows Kingsbury to get closer with her friends but also meet new people.

“This past season, I got to make new friends and got to play with people that I hadn’t talked to much before,” Kingsbury said. “I also got to play with some good friends of mine, which was super awesome.”