City Girl

Student dresses in east coast aesthetic

Submitted by Ava McNiel

Fashion is something that is incorporated into everyone’s daily life but for some more than others. Sophomore Ava McNiel is one of those people who are fascinated by clothing.

“I started becoming interested in fashion a few years ago when I started getting into Pinterest and saving pins,” McNiel said. “It really brought out my interest in fashion and looking at clothes.”

Throughout the past year, different styles have become trendy, but one in particular seemed to stick for her. To get a feel for the “City Girl” aesthetic, McNiel doesn’t do much.

“I get a lot of inspiration off of Pinterest, which influences the way I dress myself,” McNiel said. “There is one girl I found on Instagram — her name is Sofia Coelho — and I was really inspired by her. She is really unique with the way she dresses.”

To have this aesthetic, there is a preferred set of clothing items and shoes needed.

“I believe puffer coats, hoodies, blazers, bell-bottoms, flared jeans [and] anything that is baggy or relaxed but still preppy goes in that category of city style,” McNiel said. “Shoes like Converse, Doc Martens and any kind of [Nike] Jordan’s fit into that area.”

Submitted by Ava McNiel

Along with specific types of clothing items, there are also certain accessories she is drawn to.

“[I like to wear] big chains and chunky jewelry like hoops or rings — anything that is not too bold but simple enough to pair with your outfit,” McNiel said. “Tote bags, any small clutch or purse [also] goes really well.”

To get these clothes for preferred outfits, McNiel has a few places she loves.

“I shop at Target, thrift stores, REI, Scheel’s and sometimes Marshalls to get this aesthetic,” she said.

For McNiel, fashion is something she looks at to find herself.

“I think [this style] fits my personality and interests me the most,” she said. “It’s a way for self-expression because it emphasizes your own personality and the way you express yourself.”