Humans of BV: Cole Mueller


Every May, Latin club holds an officer’s election. Last year, senior Cole Mueller was voted as consul.

“Consul is what other clubs would call ‘president.’ Though it technically outranks the other positions, Consul doesn’t have supreme power,” Mueller said. “In ancient Rome, the consul was simply the lead senator who ran the meetings, but every other senator had proportional say. We try to stay true to that system as much as possible.”

Mueller said that he wanted to run for the position because of his love for the Latin program.

“During my time in high school, I’ve found out that if you want something done, you have to gently force it into fruition. It’s much easier to do that as Consul than any other position,” he said. “It’s the position to be in if you have big plans for the year.”

Because of the change in Latin teachers this year, Mueller believes that he has the chance to shape Latin club into something new and better.

“I have a unique opportunity this year to re-invent the bones of the club as we move from Dr. McDonald to Mr. Dillon. I hope to keep up the spirit of the club and keep it going with this gargantuan change,” he said. “Many of the materials left with Dr. McDonald, so a lot of events must be remade from scratch. We have the opportunity to increase the passion for Latin among the students and I hope we can do so.”