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Librarians make changes to the library this year

Students who have visited the library since the beginning of the school year may have noticed some major changes to the space and how books are shelved. Since the school year started Librarians Mary Gojcevic, and Caitlin Neneman have started implementing dynamic shelving into the library to draw your eye to books more.
“We model our shelving with more books facing out and with props to make the design more appealing,” Neneman said. “We have also added quotation wallpaper on the nonfiction side and a new display at the front of the library.”
However, redesigns could not have happened without weeding some of the books out of the library to make space.
“We ended up weeding about 50 boxes of old books,” Neneman said. “We weeded books that had not been checked out in the last 7 years or any books with misinformation in them. We also had to get rid of some books with mold.”
Some of the books appeared to be “coffee table books”, and some had not been checked out since the 90s. To make up for the losses, largely coming from the nonfiction section, they are hoping to get some more books.
“We are hoping to add more narrative non-fiction, and make sure we have books that represent all students,” Gojcevic said.
Since the changes both believe that the library has had more activity in it, and more books have been able to leave the shelves.
“There are some books that were tucked away previously that are facing out, so it has been appealing to more students.” Neneman said, “We have students make comments now on how they didn’t know certain books were there before,”
Gojcevic agreed, emphasizing how there’s now an effort to recognize how certain novels have been translated to the big screen.
“[There are] cards that [say] ‘now a movie or series.’” Gojcevic said, “This along with book teasers that Mrs. Neneman and I have made have encourage students to try books in different genres. The dynamic shelving has also helped students identify and get interested in books in a series.”
Both wish to continue the lively shelving and growing the collection to further improve the library.
“We are always looking for new ways to spruce up the library space to make it more inviting for all.”

Harris Jones is a senior and the assistant editor, aka “the guy,” on staff this year. Outside of Newspaper, Harris is a library aide, a member of Quill...