One of the biggest aspects of cultivating a gRRReat culture at BV is cherishing the acclaimed educators who call BV home. For so many, science teacher Kale Mann is the best representation of what it means to be one an excellent BV Tiger teacher.
Because of his positive spirit and hard work, Mann has been named a nominee for Kansas Master Teacher of the Year.
Since 1954, the award has included nominees from schools across Kansas and since 1980, the Bank of America has granted over $100,000 for the Kansas Master Teacher Awards. At the beginning of each year, seven award winners are selected by an award selection committee. Recipients are chosen based on their impact and influence on their community, their ability to create engaging and inclusive classrooms and much more.
For Mann, being nominated is a great recognition especially since BV has so many wonderful teachers.
“Being chosen by my colleagues to represent the building is the biggest honor” Mann said.
To be chosen for this nomination is an opportunity that Mann thinks came about due to his active involvement in BV’s science department.
“With the Stanley Nature Park, the greenhouse, and the Environmental Science Club — trying to get a lot of kids actively engaged in making the world a better place — I think that people see [those bigger projects.]” Mann said. “They make an impact.”
The foundation of Mann’s classroom is the connections with his students, which form by creating a safe learning environment so that the students who take his classes will feel that their needs and interests are protected.
“The reason that I feel like that’s important is so we can get actively engaged. We can dig through buckets of insects and identify stuff, and people can do that without fear of being made fun of.” Mann said. “It’s cool to be excited about learning.”
Based on previous dates, it is expected that the Kansas Master Teacher finalists will be announced sometime in mid-February.