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The news site of Blue Valley High School

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Volunteer for Tribute

Students share volunteering stories

Sara Lynn Rodriguez, 12

How often do you volunteer? “I volunteer every holiday break or whenever I have free time.”

What is your favorite memory?One of my favorite memories volunteering was when I was giving tours to first graders. I try to acquaint myself with the little kids by making jokes with them, asking them questions or listening to whatever drama they have. One day while I was volunteering, a boy I was talking to was having a bad day, so I spent my time with him. I made him laugh and was just poking fun at him. At the end of the trip, he asked if I would be at the museum forever so he could always visit me. I thought his gesture was very sweet. I never know what’s going on with these little kids’ home life, so I always try to be the joy at the end of their day so they will have a good memory.”

Where do you volunteer? “I volunteer at the Museum of Prairiefire. I found

it through my sister who was interviewing the VP of the building.”

Why do you volunteer? “At first, I did it for college volunteering hours, but now I do it for the kids. Not every child that visits has an enjoyable childhood so I try to help by building some awesome memories at the Museum of Prairiefire. I like working with children — it’s my highlight at the end of the day. Children are so honest and speak everything on their minds, which is refreshing and hilarious. They make my time volunteering there very enjoyable.”

Kaitlyn Mize, 10

How often do you volunteer? “I get about 50 hours a year.”

What one of your favorite memories? “These little kids got to come in and pick out from tables a bunch of little gifts for their mom, and then they got to wrap them. One of the last families [that] came in had two little boys and a little girl. The little boy, their oldest kid, was probably no older than 8 or 9, and then the other little boy was probably like 2, and the 10-year-old was taking care of him and was so supportive of the other little kids. It was just uplifting him so much — it was so sweet to see.”

Where do you volunteer? “I volunteer with NCL, National Charity League, so we have a list of certain philanthropies that we do.”

Why do you volunteer? “It makes me feel good. I like doing it with my friends and family and getting to see the joy on people’s faces is so much fun.”

Scarlett Pfister, 11

How often do you volunteer? “About twice a month.”

What one of your favorite memories? “One of my favorite memories when volunteering was playing for the children’s program this Christmas. The little kids are so cute, especially when they are singing. The kids get to know someone who cares about them, and I like to inspire them to pursue music in their future, too.”

Where do you volunteer? “I volunteer at my church, and I have been attending there every Sunday since I was a baby, so I found that through going with my parents every week.”

Why do you volunteer? “Volunteering gives other people the opportunity to benefit from attending the service on Sunday mornings. I always try my very best to worship and play all the right notes because I know someone in the congregation might never attend a service again, and I hope to be the person to show them that they should come more often because worshiping together for our God is amazing. I also like to volunteer because I get to do it with my mom. My mom volunteers as the worship deacon of our church. She also sings with me on the team. It has always been really inspiring getting to see my mom up on the stage since I was little, and I think it’s really cool how I get to do it with her now.”

Megan Marshall, 10

How often do you volunteer? “About twice a month.”

What is your favorite memory? “One time I volunteered at my church, and this kid gave me a letter [about] how much of an impact I’ve made — it was really nice.”

Where do you volunteer?I volunteer at Harvesters and Awana, which is a program at my church. Sometimes [I find opportunities] through social media.”

Why do you volunteer?I love the feeling you get after volunteering. I love the fact that I can help people and give back to the world around me. I want to make a difference and give back to the community.”

Rasheed Mantara, 11

How often do you volunteer? “I try to volunteer at least three times a month, but usually end up doing more.”

What is your favorite memory? “I was a defense attorney at the JoCo Courthouse and was partnered with another guy from Olathe West. We had a lot of fun writing our cases and representing our respondent. I learned a lot about speaking [and] court rules. We ended up doing pretty well and ended up becoming good friends, too. It’s always cool to meet people when you try new volunteering opportunities.”

Where do you volunteer? “I volunteer at my Mosque, at food kitchens, the Courthouse for Youth Court and blood centers.”

Why do you volunteer? “It’s something productive that makes you actually feel accomplished right away. It’s better than sitting around and playing video games, and it’s a nice break from all of the work and the hassle from school. As cheesy as it sounds, it’s a good way to give back and help people. It’s productive and helps you address problems that are actually visible locally, and I think everyone should try it out at least once.”

About the Contributor
Emily Kozlowski
Emily Kozlowski, Staff Writer
Emily Kozlowski is a sophomore starting her first year on the newspaper staff. She is excited to grow her writing and digital designing skills. Emily is also part of KAY Club and Latin Club. In her free time, Emily enjoys reading, listening to and playing music, hanging out with friends, and relaxing with her Goldendoodle.