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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The Importance of Morgan’s Message

Diving deeper into the subject of athlete mental health
The Importance of Morgan’s Message

[*Trigger warning: Mention of suicide]


Being an athlete comes with many benefits; however, there are also challenging factors. A lot of pressure is placed on athletes to perform at their fullest potential. Take for example Morgan Rodgers, a Duke lacrosse player. She was recruited as an underclassmen in high school and knew she wanted to play at the highest level the sport could offer while earning a world-class education. In January of 2017, Morgan endured a knee injury causing her to undergo surgery. She spent the next 12 months in intense rehabilitation, determined to get back on the field. On the outside, Morgan resented herself as strong and resilient but regardless of her determination, Morgan’s self worth plummeted in this time. She felt as though she was not living up to her expectations and being isolated from the team accelerated the return of anxiety and depression. Morgan suffered in silence and as a result, she died by suicide on July 11th, 2019. Since Morgan’s passing, Morgan’s mom, Dona, created “Morgan’s Message,” a mental health advocacy program to eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health. Morgan’s message has a clear mission of amplifying stories, resources, and expertise to strengthen student-athlete mental health, build a community for athletes through peer-to-peer conversations, and provide a platform for advocacy. Morgan’s Message is represented through a butterfly that is composed of Morgan’s artwork and her love for teal.

As an athlete myself, I am a Morgan’s Message ambassador and am inspired to bring Morgan’s message to the Blue Valley Track and Field as well as other sports at BV. Athlete mental health needs to be talked about and more socially accepted; Recovery is possible– let’s take a shot.


The bigger vision:

  • Eliminate the stigma surrounding mental health within the high school and collegiate student-athlete communities
  • Equalize the treatment of physical and mental health in athletics
  • Normalize conversations in safe spaces
  • Encourage peer-to-peer communications
  • Empower those who suffer in silence & support those who feel alone
  • Build an all-volunteer campus Ambassador network


About the Contributor
Emma McAtee
Emma McAtee, Staff Writer
Emma McAtee is a junior and it is her second year on staff. Emma is involved in the musical, Cross Country, Track, Tiger TV, NHHS,Quill and Scroll, and is vice president of the Junior class for Stuco. Outside of school, Emma works at THE Sunset Grill and enjoys being a waitress. Emma enjoys taking film photos and late nights with friends. She’s excited for this upcoming year and to make more memories with the staff members! :)