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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Relay for Life captain’s meeting tomorrow

The kick off for Relay For Life (RFL) will take place tomorrow, Oct. 12, in room 216.
Students interested in being team captains this year should attend the meeting for pertinent information about Relay.  Important dates will be shared, forms will be handed out, and there will be time to ask questions about the event. There will also be free Robeks smoothies and a raffle.
Team captains are responsible for ensuring team member’s donations are collected and turned in as well as keeping people informed.
“I’m excited to see the amount of people participating and everyone wanting to help out,” senior sub-committee chair Angela Mundakahl said.
Relay For Life sponsor Adam Wade said that he believes RFL is an important event for students to get involved in.
“Relay For Life allows students to take an active role in a community service project that provides students with a fun way to interact with peers while fighting cancer,” Wade said.
RFL, taking place March 2 and 3, is an event sponsored by the American Cancer Society that raises money for future cancer research and current care of cancer patients.  From 7 p.m. to 7 a.m., students from BV, BV West and BV Southwest will walk around the indoor track in West’s gym, attend ceremonies, play games and eat food.
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The news site of Blue Valley High School
Relay for Life captain’s meeting tomorrow