A new PTO fundraising program called “Invest in BVHS” has begun this year to replace TigerFest. There will be no TigerFest this year.
“Invest in BVHS” raises money through annual, tax-deductible donations. Anyone in the community can donate.
This fundraising technique was adopted from multiple middle schools in the Blue Valley School District.
“We felt like TigerFest had run its course,” PTO Board member Janette McElwain said. “We had done it forever and it was time for something new. Also, TigerFest was very time consuming for everyone involved so we were looking for something new to do. Some of the middle schools had already been doing it in the past, so we decided to try it.”
Without TigerFest, girls basketball coach Andy Unrein said sports teams are going to have to adjust to these new funds.
“We used TigerFest money to buy uniforms, practice jerseys, bags, etc.,” he said. “[TigerFest] also allowed us to use our budget for a video system, a camera and annual things. We are going to have to do some type of fundraising. We have tossed around the idea of a pancake breakfast at Applebees.”
Unrein said he understands the complications and reasons for getting rid of TigerFest.
“It was a lot of work to get TigerFest organized,” he said. “Also, the timing was hard for the sports. Coaches were asking parents for donations for TigerFest while they didn’t even know if their kid was on the team. I don’t know much about [Invest in BVHS] but the concept seems like a pretty solid idea.”
The money donated is available to administrators to be used when needed.
McElwain said the money can be used for anything ranging from sports to debate.
“The cool thing is that the money goes straight to [Principal Scott] Bacon and [Athletic Director Matt] Ortman, so they can use the money directly to invest in anything the school needs, anytime they want,” McElwain said.
She said she has high expectations for this new program.
“I’m hoping that people will like it because it is efficient,” she said. “It is a quick and easy way to raise money, and it is great that the money is for the benefit of the whole school.”
Donations are accepted throughout the whole year. The PTO suggests each family invest $75 annually, but any amount is accepted.
The “Invest in BVHS” donation form can be found on the BV website.
Money can be donated by writing a check or by paying online.
Invest in BVHS set to replace TigerFest, relies on donations from community
Hailey McEntee, Co-Editor
October 19, 2012
About the Contributor

Hailey McEntee, Co-Editor
Senior Hailey McEntee is excited for her third year on the newspaper staff. As co-editor, she is looking forward to carrying on the legacy of her past editors. She wants to create a positive atmosphere and make sure everyone has fun. Her absolute favorite thing to do for the paper is design pages — she loves being able to show her creativity. She has an awkward obsession with InDesign. Hailey loves going to youth group at St. Michael the Archangel and going on mission trips, conferences and retreats. She is also involved in Tiger Mentoring, Relay for Life Committee, Quill and Scroll Honor Society and National Honor Society. Hailey plays club soccer for the Kansas Rush Wolves and has played on varsity for the high school since sophomore year — she was named to First Team All-State last season. She is committed to play soccer at Benedictine College starting in the fall of 2014. She is looking forward to a great senior year and making memories in newspaper with her best friends. Follow her on twitter @hay_mac21.