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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Rep Theater play “The Dark of the Moon” scheduled for Nov. 21-22

The stage is set, the actors and actresses are dressed, and the audience is waiting for the show to start.
But what’s it about?
With a title like “The Dark of the Moon,” it can be hard to tell.
It’s set in a mountain town and will have a bit of a strangeness to it. It will open Nov. 21 and continue to Nov. 22.
Actress sophomore Gracie Goheen said that her favorite part about the show is how different it is.
“[The rep show] is very otherworldly,” she said. “The line delivery, characters and setting are all very unique and different from any other play I’ve read or seen.”
Actor sophomore Joey Wiederholt said it is a stylistic show.
“[The rep show] is going to be kind of surreal and have a little bit of a subtle dark feeling,” he said.
Actress sophomore Sophia Ragomo said that the show was darker than it seemed on the surface.
“I would say that the mood is kind of dark, like during the whole entire show there’s just this darkness over the people,” she said.
The show is about the love story of a witch and human, and how they try to make that work.
“There’s a witch guy and he’s in love with a human girl, so he’s trying to become a human so that he can be with her,” Ragomo said.
Wiederholt is male lead of the show.
“My character’s name is John, and he is the witch,” he said.
Ragomo is the female lead.
“I’m Barbara, the human girl,” she said.
Ragomo said she is excited to play her part.
“I’m very excited to put this show on,” she said. “This is my first rep show and I got the lead.”
Goheen said that the major theme of the show was staying true to yourself.
“The major theme of [the show] is don’t change yourself for someone else,” she said.

About the Contributor
Maddie Davis
Maddie Davis, Co-Editor
Maddie Davis is the Co-Editor of the “Tiger Print.” She enjoys soccer, writing, photography, designing and music. (If you ever want music recommendations, hit her up. She has good taste.) Besides writing for the paper, Maddie is a member of NHS, Quill and Scroll, NFHS, NHHS, SNHS and French Club. She plays club soccer for Kansas Rush and plays varsity soccer at school. Maddie hopes to major in Photography or Photojournalism at an undecided university and end up as a music photographer and/or journalist.
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Rep Theater play “The Dark of the Moon” scheduled for Nov. 21-22