Spirit week is a tradition at Blue Valley that has excited students for many years. With Homecoming on October 5 this year, Blue Valley’s Student Council (StuCo) was given more time to come up with spirit day ideas.
StuCo communications secretary senior Savannah Spicer said StuCo begins planning spirit week three weeks before the dance.
StuCo meets on Wednesday and Friday mornings in science teacher Azie Taghizadeh’s classroom in the senior hallway.
“There are about 50 people in StuCo, and everyone pretty much contributes ideas to whatever topic is being discussed,” Spicer said.
After figuring determining the date of the dance, StuCo holds a meeting specifically for spirit week and the activities it entails.
“To choose Spirit Days, everyone in StuCo gives their ideas to [StuCo president senior] Andy Porter, and he writes their ideas down on the whiteboard,” Spicer said. “Then we go through and vote until the themes are narrowed down to four choices for each day of the week, along with the staple Black and Gold Day on Friday.”
This year Spirit Week begins Sept. 30.
Spicer said StuCo wants every BV student to participate in Spirit Week this year.
“I think Age Group Day will be a big hit,” she said. “It’ll knock those kids out of the park. But overall, I hope everyone participates. It shows a great deal of school spirit and that’s what BV is all about.”
Monday: Pajama Day
Tuesday: Preppy Day
Wednesday: Age Group Day (freshmen- babies, sophomores- kindergarten/elementary School, juniors- adults, seniors- senior Citizens)
Thursday: Character Day
Friday: Black and Gold Day