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BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

The news site of Blue Valley High School

BV Tiger News

Teenagers at Concerts

On Friday, Sept. 5, bands like the 1975 and Arctic Monkeys played live to please the crowds of KC. However, according to many teenagers, their parents wouldn’t let them take part in the mosh pits.

According to, mosh pits are notorious for being confining, hot and made up of people with marijuana and alcohol.

“No one offered me marijuana, but I know my friends were offered marijuana,” Shannon Fang, sophomore at Pembroke High said.  “She didn’t actually take it.”

Fang also said the air can be filled with smoke which makes it hard to breathe fresh air. This and the press of others has moshers feeling lightheaded as well as nauseous or claustrophobic, said freshman Cat Simmons.

“There’s something very unique about being packed,” said Jennifer Yu, a senior at Northwestern University. “You’re literally shoulder-to-shoulder, back-to-back with people. When I was in the crowd for Red Hot Chili Peppers, my friend had to bend down to tie my shoe — there was no way I could do it myself.”

Moshers get dehydrated easily, said many concert goers. Jennifer Yu said sometimes people in mosh pits actively try to avoid water so they will not have to leave it to use the restroom. Some even use adult diapers in case they can’t make it.

“I don’t know anyone who’s [worn adult diapers],” Jennifer Yu said. “It makes sense because for Red Hot Chili Peppers, we were in the crowd for hours.”

Many are hesitant to allow teenagers to go to concerts, said Jennifer Yu. She said it’s old enough to go by themselves, but they have to “exercise some self control they might not have”. Also, according to, participating in mosh pits can be dangerous.

“I’ve never been in a mosh pit,” said Simon Yu, 24-year-old working in New York. “I think it’s stupid how you’re running into other people.”

Despite all the harmful things that can happen at concerts, Jennifer Yu said there’s something about music one can personally resonate with.

“My dad and I share an intense love of music so experiencing that concert with him was pretty memorable and important to me,” freshman Garrett Menees said.

Jennifer Yu said there’s something about music that can get her “movin’ and groovin’.” Simon Yu said it has to do with the sentimentality and meaning of music.

“You associate music with certain things,” Simon Yu said. “It can be relaxing, exciting, motivating. It helps you feel things.”

About the Contributor
Kaitlin Yu
Kaitlin Yu, Co-editor in chief
Kaitlin Yu is co-editor in chief of “The Tiger Print.” She appreciates the arts, loves cats and dogs and takes pleasure in wasting her time away by sleeping. She also likes to read and watch YouTube, I guess. She hopes to work in the digital arts industry in the future — whether that be animation, digital illustration or graphic design. Kaitlin likes writing opinions about issues important to her and news stories that inform readers more about convoluted issues. She endeavors to take “The Tiger Print” to superior design and writing levels.
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Teenagers at Concerts