Dropping classes situation
When can students drop classes?
Blue Valley changed their dropping classes policy this year. Now dropping classes must take place before Nov. 2, 2015 and March 25, 2015.
Students also will receive a “W” on their college transcript.
Students that know about the new drop policy can either be for the policy or against it.
BV students should be able to transfer out of a class whenever they would like to during a semester. The drop policy was probably made to stop the floods of students that would come to the office the day semester ends to change their grade.
When talking about getting into college, not being able to drop a class whenever a student wants could affect their GPA, and a student could possibly lose their chances to get into their dream college.
Lots of students are probably asking the question — “but why the change?”
Yes counselors having to change every student’s schedule that wants to transfer out of a class is a lot but changing the students classes worth it?
Teachers need to understand when a kid wants to drop a class, and if that means half way through the semester, they should be able to do that.