A Small difference between us: the Atlantic Ocean
Exchange students in Blue Valley
Blue Valley gives home to foreign exchange students this year, just as like for a long time.
“I think Blue Valley High school [host exchange students] as long as I’ve been here, so that comes back 26 years,” principal Scott Bacon said.
“We host exchange student all around the world… I mean literally all around the world – European cont, Asian cont, and African cont. In a global perspective, we come done to understand each other better.”
While Bacon is very positive, there are some downside of the story.
“I don’t think anybody even heard about my country — it’s really small,” said senior Milica Bozovic, who is from Montenegro, a small country in Europe by the Mediterran sea side. “One guy asked me if I knew what iPhone was…”
Aside from this little trouble, they are enjoying there time here so far.
“[The USA is] really interesting, and I’m more busy here. I have more activities, experiences, opportunities to do what I want.” MIlica said. “The school is really different. I was with the same people all time time in the same classroom — we stayed in the same one all day. There are more school activities than were in Montenegro, and also the whole school is bigger here, so it’s really different.”
Experiences and live in another culture is always hard, but the BV helps the students as much as it’s possible, Bacon said.
“They can participate activities, be very much involved in school life — all our clubs are available for them,” he said. “Currently most of our classes available for them within reason, and we had foreign exchange students who were Homecoming queens and have been nominated for other things, so there is an opportunity for them to very much become part of the school community.”
“Usually the student still has to go home and has a year or two in high school.” Mr. Bacon said.