Off the Radar

The news you didn’t hear

Betsy DeVos wants to rewrite campus rules about sexual assault.

Earlier this month, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos said in a speech that her administration planned to rewrite the guidelines for handling sexual assault on campus. While DeVos did not state any specific changes, she said the previous administration’s rules robbed accused students of their rights. This comes as instances of sexual assault on college campuses run rampant. DeVos’s plans to rewrite these rules stirred controversy, attracting groups from both sides to chime in with their opinions — including one of the previous secretaries of education, Arne Duncan, who heavily criticized DeVos’s actions.

This blood test can change lives. 

A study published in the journal of “Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences” found that an experimental blood test can accurately diagnose Alzheimer’s disease with 86 percent sensitivity and specificity. Before this test, there had been only one conclusive test for diagnosing the disease which involved postmortem examination. Other than that, doctors relied on careful examination and brain scans to come to a conclusion. These methods are pricey and can take a long time. This new blood test can change lives — an early diagnosis allows for early intervention, which can improve the quality of life for patients.



The western United States is on fire. Literally. 

In the past month, more than 70 wildfires were reported across nine different states — totalling 1.5 million acres of land. The total for this year is about 8 million acres — nearly doubling the 10-year average of 5 million acres. Nine firefighters have died battling the fires while upwards of 30 have been injured. While the fires span from the Pacific Northwest down to Denver, Colorado, Montana has been hit especially hard. The state spent over $50 million battling the flames.