Be Kind, Blue Valley
Founder Ady Shaw explains new club promoting random acts of kindness
Seniors Ady Shaw (left) and Ally Mosby (right) hold up poster promoting ‘High Five Friday’
We’ve all experienced our share of bad days, and there’s no better cure for them than someone going out of their way to show some compassion. This year, Blue Valley has a new club that does just that. Senior Ady Shaw founded BV Acts of Random Kindness (ARK) Club alongside sponsor and BV history teacher Angela Sullivan.
“I was in Mrs. Sullivan’s history class last year, and on Fridays we would watch a ‘Feel Good Friday’ video (a video with a positive message and a random act of kindness,)” Shaw said. “At the end of the year, we created our own.”
Sullivan said she started the tradition to create a positive environment in her classrooms where her students feel cared for.
“I love history and I love teaching, but there’s something about ‘Feel Good Friday’ that just sets the tone for who I am and what I think is important,” she said. “Even though the kids in one classroom are from all different social groups and activities, there’s no reason that we can’t take care of each other in the classroom.”
BV Kindness Club has jumped in head-first and is already planning out random acts of kindness.
“Our number one [priority] in meetings currently is establishing our monthly challenge to pose to the students,” Shaw said. “The challenges will be [as simple as] paying for someone in fast food lines or helping carry someone’s groceries at the store. Once you do that, we encourage those students to post photos of their experience using our hashtag, #bvkindess in order to spread the message of the club. [In addition], we do a larger monthly act [of kindness] as an entire club. For the month of October, we’ll be going to different grocery stores in the area and helping people with their groceries.”
You don’t need to be in the club to participate in these activities, however, if you want to share your ideas for future random acts of kindness, it is encouraged that you attend the meetings.
Shaw said she hopes the club will impact not only students and staff, but the entire community.
“I think it’s hard to be positive [with the stress in our lives], and acts of kindness spread optimism and joy to others,” Shaw said.
You can start spreading the BV Kindness movement now by participating in the club’s weekly event, High Five Friday. BV Kindness encourages students to high five friends and strangers on Fridays in the halls to bring a smile to the faces of students.
Both Shaw and Sullivan said they believe that one act of kindness can start a ripple.
“If I can help [any student] be a little kinder, then maybe that little piece will take away some of the negativity that we see in the world,” Sullivan said. “That’s my hope, in our own little cocoon of Blue Valley High School, what can we do here? And hopefully that will carry over to their lives outside of the classroom.”
If you want to join BV Kindness Club and stay up to date with current projects, follow their social media sites and get on the Remind.
Remind: text 81010 to @tigerskind
Instagram: @bv_ark_club
Twitter: @tigerskindclub

Carley Sherer is a senior staff writer for “The Tiger Print.” She enjoys writing feature articles and sharing BV students’ stories that haven’t...