Off the Radar

the news you didn’t hear


Counting error causes delay in election results

The Kansas Republican primary election for Governor was shrouded with uncertainty following an alleged discrepancy regarding the counting of the votes. In Thomas county, a reported 422 votes had been cast for Governor Jeff Colyer, when in actuality, 522 votes had been cast in his favor. This error, which undermined candidate Kris Kobach’s initial lead by 100 votes, cast uncertainty and doubt upon an already close race.  As of August 9th, a recount of the votes has not been called, but is a possibility.



Ebola outbreak in Congo poses serious threat

An Ebola outbreak in Congo has lead to the death of at least 33 people. The outbreak, which affected three health personnel, two of which who have died, has a high potential to spread to other areas. Containing the outburst of the deadly Ebola virus in Congo poses a unique challenge due to Congo being the home to around one million displaced people. In 2014, a massive Ebola outbreak in West Africa was responsible for killing a reported 11,315 people.


Red tide in Florida killing marine life

While most algae blooms do not harm marine life, a toxic growth of algae has swept through the oceans near south Florida, slaughtering an array of it’s marine life, including fish, seabirds, sea turtles, and a shark. The algae bloom, referred to as a red tide, is responsible for clogging canals and inlets, and has been at large for more than nine months. Due to the worsening of conditions, Florida governor Rick Scott called an emergency order to combat the toxic blooms. According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association, red tides will possibly be occuring more often in the future.