This Stings!
With the dramatic increase in urban development, wild bee and butterfly populations have been immensely decreasing. The mass deforestation humans have inflicted on the ecosystems that bees and butterflies call home is a major part of this.
The forests these creatures live in are being replaced by roads and houses, so it’s no wonder the majority of the bees and butterflies are gone.
Along with the decline in forest growth and stability, humans promote the growth of different parasites and put stress on the environment that will eventually harm the bees and butterflies.
Examples of this are seen with the fumes from cars, diesel engines, tractors, electronic and mining industries and coal power plants.
Additionally, the burning of garbage and increased amounts of ash and dust contribute to the stress on both the environment and on the bee and butterfly populations.
Since the habitat loss is the largest force in the decline of both populations, there is an organization working to help replenish the bee and butterfly habitats in the hopes of helping the populations grow.
This group is called “The Bee and Butterfly Habitat Fund,” and they are trying to give the honey bees, monarch butterflies and other pollinators in the area access to resources that are abundant and high-quality. This can help them live healthier and longer lives.
They work with certain farms and provide discounted seeds and pollination seeds in order to make the farms suitable for more bees and butterflies to populate.