Change in the Spooky Day
Once called Samhain by the Celts 2,000 years ago, Halloween is a long-standing tradition that has been around for years.
Following this, the day after Halloween is known as All Saints Day by Catholics. Oct. 31 and Nov. 1 are rooted deep in history.
“I am very hesitant to change the holiday that’s so old,” Latin teacher Joseph McDonald said. “Halloween is Halloween because it’s coming before the holiday on Nov. 1. It’s kind of treating the holiday as if it has no historical roots. And I think it just doesn’t make sense to me really.”
The modern world has allowed people to share their opinions and find people who agree with them. On July 25, 2018, the Halloween & Costume Association (HCA) created a petition on to change the date of Halloween.
The petition asked for Halloween to be moved to the last Saturday of October, claiming it was to create a “safer, longer and stress-less celebration.” The petition also included statistics and information about why they believe the change is necessary.
“What I think would be great is what Iowa does, they have a baker’s night,” ELA teacher Rebecca Knueven said. “They go trick-or-treating the night before Halloween. That gives the kids night and then that way the next night, if it’s on a weekend, then the adults actually can go to parties and things like that. I think it’s a good idea may be to break up just the trick or treating aspect”
Currently, the petition is attempting to gain 150,000 signatures. Nearing their goal, they are currently at 148,000 as of Sept. 25.
The HCA has recently updated its current description of the petition.
“Instead of changing the date that Americans celebrate Halloween, we will be adding an additional day of festivities in partnership with Party City and other brands,” the petition reads. “National Trick or Treat Day will take place annually on the last Saturday of October so families across the country can participate in community parades, throw neighborhood parties and opt for daytime Trick or Treating.”
Halloween being on Oct. 31 doesn’t affect people as much as the petition signers think. Many parents with kids that go trick-or-treating don’t think the day should change. Halloween has been a holiday celebrated on the last day of October for ages, and people have suggested the holiday shouldn’t be changed for children and adults.
“For the sake of the tradition, I say keep it on the 31st,” Knueven said.

Isabelle Fletcher is junior and a second-year staff member. She doesn’t do much, but she’s trying her best. She spends most of her time listening...

Lizzy Parkerson is a staff member on “The Tiger Print.” She is new to the staff this year and looking forward to the experiences she will make. She...