Pantone, the company that is widely recognized for its color insights and solutions, has released the 2024 “Color of the Year”. This color known as PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz was the color that was chosen to best represent the year 2024.
While the Pantone Color of the Year was originally an “educational program in 1999 to engage the design community and color enthusiasts around the world in a conversation around color,” today it is so much more than that, according to Today, it is to “highlight to our audience how what is taking place in our global culture is expressed and reflected through the language of color.”
The color PANTONE 13-1023 was ultimately, “a color we see crossing all areas of design – a color that serves as an expression of a mood and an attitude on the part of consumers” and a “color that reflects what people are looking for, a color that can hope to answer what people feel they need.”
Alongside reflecting what the year might hold, the color can, “help companies and consumers better understand the power color can have.” By using colors to better implement the perception of consumers to showcase a product, color ultimately has a major role in many consumers’ decisions to buy products, whether they realize it or not.
Additionally, color is one of very few things that is, “a visual language we all understand, one whose message crosses genders, generations, and geographies.” Because in the end, that is why PANTONE 13-1023 Peach Fuzz was chosen as the 2024 Color of the Year.
It was chosen because of its ability to capture a gentle peach tone that reflected warm and modern elegance, something that the future might hold.