Last Winterguards
BV is now the only school in our district with a winterguard team. Senior Claire Ahlrichs is on the team and thinks its fun that BV is the only one in the district with a winterguard team, which Ahlrichs said is “basically color guard without the band so instead we play selected songs.
“I think it’s kind of cool,” Ahlrichs said. “Southwest is trying to get one started again, but it’s cool that we are the only ones officially in that we’re signed up for competition season.”
Superintendent Retires
On Nov. 15, superintendent Tonya Merrigan sent out an email to the community announcing her retirement at the end of this school year.
“I have witnessed firsthand the passion you bring to your children’s education,” Merrigan said. “It will be hard to step away, but I am confident that the Blue Valley will continue to thrive.”
Merrigan then said that the Board of Education will begin to transition.
“I [will] ensure that the values, culture and strong foundation we have built together remain,” she said.
New Data Science Class
This year BV has allowed a new class in our school, Intro to Data Science. This class is currently taught by math teacher Jill Robbins and gives students an opportunity to work to think critically about data.
“It does teach you to think about data. And the data is everywhere.” Robbins said. “It might be a positive math experience [for students] because it’s not a very traditional math class. So hopefully they will have a good experience.”
For Robbins, it’s an opportunity.
“It is stretching my skills a lot,” she said.